TMB Peroxide Substrates in BIOjake. One component, ready to use

TMB is the most widely used chromogenic substrate in the application of Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) based enzyme-linked detection system. A stable, one component or ready to use TMB substrate greatly reduces the assay variations at the substrate level to standardize the assay performance. To meet the diverse substrate requirements in the widespread HRP microwell ELISA applications and experiments requiring visual color precipitation from both the IVD industries and the research laboratories, the scientists in BIOjake developed ready-to-use TMB substrates in the following categories:

1) TMB Peroxide Substrate for Microwell ELISA Assay
2) TMB Peroxide Substrate for membrane based color precipitation

Ultra fast and sensitive TMB Peroxide Substrate for Microwell ELISA Assay

TMB-UltraFast, a ready-to-use TMB substrate, is highly sensitive with ultra fast color development and wide OD reading range at 370 nm or 620 nm to 650 nm. Adding stop solution to increase the OD reading at 450 nm is not necessary.

  • TMB-UltraFast (TMBUF)

  • Kinetic Rate selection in TMB Peroxide Substrates for Microwell ELISA Assay

    In this category, TMB substrates were made in environmental friendly, 100% water solution. The end user has the option to choose substrate of different kinetics from fast (TMB-Excellence) to slow (TMB-Slow) and very slow (TMB-VerySlow).

    The TMB-Excellence has almost equal performance as TMB-UltraFast. It has fast color development and wide OD reading range at 370 nm or 620 nm to 650 nm. Adding stop solution to increase the OD reading at 450 nm is not necessary.

    In an assay which require slow or very slow color development, the TMB-Slow or TMB-VerySlow will fit the criteria for substrate selection. Adding Stop Solution to the test wells is able to increase OD reading at 450 nm for 2 to 3 folds in comparison to the OD read in 370 nm or 620 nm to 650 nm.

  • TMB-Excellence (TMBEX)
  • TMB-Slow (TMBSL)
  • TMB-VerySlow (TMBVS)

  • TMB Peroxide Substrate for visual color precipitation

    In the third category, TMB substrates were produced for the application of membrane based blotting assay or experiments which require TMB substrate precipitation during the HRP enzymatic reaction. This substrate is made in environmental friendly, 100% water solution. The HRP enzymatic reaction on this TMB substrate result deep blue color precipitation which is visible in less than a minutes.

  • TMB-Membrane (TMBME)