TMB-Excellence (TMBEX)

TMB-Excellence (TMBEX) is a colorless, ready to use TMB substrate to generate a soluble, deep blue color product under the enzymatic reaction with hydrogen peroxide by HRP.

Aqueous TMB Substrate

TMB-Excellence (TMBEX) contains no organic solvent. It's 100% water based, environmental friendly TMB substrate which expose no safety issues with the substrate user.

Difference between TMB-Excellence and TMB-UltraFast

TMB-Excellence react slightly slower (see the attached fig.) than TMB-UltraFast in the blue color development under HRP enzymatic reaction in exchange for the benefit of 100% water solution.

High Sensitivity

Reading at 650nm for the blue wavelength, the OD reading range covers from above the baseline (LOD) to the 4.0 or overflow, not like most commercial TMB substrates which have its highest blue color reading around the OD of 3.2.

With the benefit of TMB-UltraFast's extended OD reading range at 650nm, the blue color can be read any time from 2 - 5 minutes to 1-2 hours or beyond based on the sensitivity requirements.

The blue color development can be stopped by adding Stop Solution to gives a clear yellow color that absorbs at 450nm.

Stability and Storage

TMB-UltraFast has a shelf life of minimum of 48 months when stored at 4°C.

Large Packaging Service

TMB-UltraFast can be ordered at large custom volume from 5 liters to 100 liters or more. For details on this service, please Send Us Contact.